Presumably you mean soft words?
I could refer you to the youtube video of the webinar about soft words (
), or I could argue that it's not common sense as using soft words during the Safewards trial did result in significant fall in conflict and containment.
Instead, as I am a researcher, I am going to suggest that you conduct the following experiments, in order:
1. Print out all the Soft Words statements without further reading, give them to a colleague, and see how many of them you can accurately describe unseen. What percentage of them do you know? [Our previous research shows that hardly anyone can describe all of them, and although everyone knows a few and considers them common sense, they are not the same ones].
2. More challenging this. Give the Soft Words statement to a colleague who has worked with you for at least six months. Ask him or her to honestly, without any blame or comeback, sort them into three piles: (a) those they see you use all the time; (b) those they have seen you use occasionally or rarely; and (c) those they have never seen you use.
3. Take a random three of your colleagues, ask them how they manage these flashpoint situations: saying no to a patient; asking a patient to do something they don't want to do; asking a patient to stop doing something they do want to do. How many of the Soft Words statements do they accurately describe each?
4. For each of your colleagues on the team, do a sort of the statements into three piles as was done for you: those they use regularly through to not at all.
Then come back here and tell us your results.
PS. The word patient has never gone out of fashion and is universally understood by professionals and lay people alike, even though there have been (and still are) temporary adoptions of client, service user, survivor or other terms at various times by various groups for various purposes.
The impact of uniforms can be argued either way. There is no actual evidence on whether they make conflict or containment more or less likely. Safewards is based on the evidence we have at the current time.