The great and the good of Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.


The great and the good of Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

The great and the good of Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust gathered this morning to hear a Safewards presentation from Geoff Brennan. Our old friend Malcolm Rae (who in a previous life was the Nursing Director of a previous incarnation of the Trust) was invited by Gill Green, the current Nursing Director.
The large group had senior managers and clinicians including nurses, doctors, OT’s, Directors and Non-Executive Directors. We even had a facebook member – hi Becky Johnson .

When we got to a very good question and answer session, it was clear that some areas had already secured the funds and were ready to think about implementation does that include where you work Rebecca). Gill asked that all nursing forums have a look at the website and think about next steps.

Again, I urge any areas even thinking about Safewards to log onto the forum website and tell us all about their plans.

Many thanks to Mike Doyle of Manchester University for organising and hosting, and also to Karen and Corrin for just being brilliant hosts. We were able to get the website up for the audience with their help., and boy does that make a difference.