Hello I am Paul Barrett Consultant Nurse (Acute Mental Health Care) at Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. I feel "positively charged" by Safewards. Much of the skills and knowledge here is being generated by nurses for nurses rather than superimposing managerial or other professional frameworks on to acute inpatient care.
We are currently planning to relocate our women's acute ward. As part of this we are looking at developing better ways of engaging with service users. My view is that Safewards has much to offer. We are early on in the project and our team are exploring the material. I know there is the section for managers but any practical advice on how to engage senior managers and non nursing colleagues around implementing Safewards would be welcome.
With Best Wishes
One line of argument is to talk about the strength of the evidence. There are two main things to stress here. Firstly that the Safewards Model has been generated out of lots of previous research. Over one thousand previous studies by other people internationally and of every psychiatric profession. Coupled with the previous studies I have conducted, which are some of the largest and most statistically sophisticated ever conducted in inpatient areas (not the moment for me to be modest or you to be modest on my behalf). Secondly, the results of the Safewards Randomised Controlled Trial have been positive, and this trial was conducted according to the most stringent and modern criteria, using independent randomisation and analysis, with an active control. This is as good as evidence gets.
In addition, nurses spend a lot of time dealing with conflict and containment. Doctors too. If we can reduce it, that time is freed up for most positive and productive activities. Thus making the hospital more efficient.
In Bangor, we've found that just the enthusiasm and energy that implementing Safewards has brought about has been enough to get management and everyone else on board - anything I've asked for, I've been told - Just do it! just buy it! I think there's so much bad news in mental health nursing etc that everyone is eager to take on board anything that bucks the trend, and the fact that this is essentially a nurse led change makes it easy for managers not on the shop floor as it were, and they're happy to take the positivity from that - easy brownie points for them I guess! We've had people calling into the ward just "to have a look at what you're doing - I've heard about the tree" etc etc, and word gets about. Come and take a look if you like!
Ward Manager
Taliesin PICU
Sian Williams
Ward Manager
Taliesin PICU
Hergest Unit, Ysbyty Gwynedd
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
I've also had a chance to discuss Safewards much more; not only with colleagues but also with Malcolm Rae who facilitated a recent acute care away day. I have just presented some ideas about the Safewards initiative at our Trustwide Nursing council today.
You were right to mention enthusiasm Sian. I was struck by others' appetite for the model this must have been quite contagious as our interim director of nursing was keen to support this on our wards with one ward being the initial adopter. She noted that I seemed "almost evangelical" about safewards! But the approach went down well with the audience. I hope I managed to get the evidence base and practicalities covered too. Overall the enthusiasm certainly worked and she has asked me to work directly with the staff team to get this going. I'm sure this will beg lots more questions in due course but for now its onwards and upwards!
Kindest Regards
Last edit: 10 years 5 months ago by Paolo. Reason: clarity