Announcing the “FIRST SAFEWARD” Competition


Who will be the first ward since the trial to implement SAFEWARDS?

Since the announcement of the SAFEWARDS trial in September of 2013, many inpatient units up and down the UK (and abroad) have expressed an interest in implementing the 10 interventions. Yet, having worked for many years with inpatient units, we at the SAFEWARDS team know, even if you are very motivated, it is difficult to get things up and running. So we have come up with an idea to help with motivation. We hope you like it.

It’s a competition!

The First Ward* to show clear evidence of the implementation of all 10 interventions will receive a commemorative plaque. (If in the UK we will even see if Len Bowers can present it to you.) Any other wards who can present similar evidence, but don’t make it first, will receive a certificate signed by Professor Bowers.

*We are sorry that any ward that received the SAFEWARDS intervention as part in the trial or pilot will be excluded from the competition for “First Ward” (you’ve had a bit of a head start!), but, if they can produce the evidence that SAFEWARDS is still going, we will award you a certificate. Any wards in the trial who received the WELLBEING intervention will be eligible to compete for “First Ward” (you will know who you are – you had pedometers and fruit!). Remember, though we mean all 10 interventions.

If you are thinking/beginning to implement Safewards why not register for the competition. Go to