
A safewards presentation in the pleasant York Sports Club was well attended by staff of Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.


The majority of staff came from what one called “the last asylum building”, which is Bootham Park (see pics below along with attendees, York Castle and street view).
Nurse, OT’s , doctors, Matrons, managers and students- a fine turn out of key staff to look at the interventions as they move to implementation. Again, Calm Down box and Know Each Other caused particular interest.

At the end of the presentation I was asked if the staff needed to tell us how they were getting on. My answer was that staff don’t need to tell us, but the more that implementers can post on the website to inform other areas, the stronger the knowledge base will become. I guess I feel that the RESEARCH has a good base, but the IMPLIMENTATION knowledge needs to grow, and the more people can add, the stronger it will be. In this, everyone’s experience of implementation (both easy and hard) work and Leeds and many thanks to ill be of immense value.

The very best of luck to all in York and Leeds, and many thanks to Sally Midgley for organising.